In our size guidelines, which are provided next to each product on the product page, we make every attempt to provide you with accurate manufacturer stated sizing information for the items. Please take note that the product size may vary somewhat as a result of the nature of the production process. Variations in size that occur throughout the production process are not the fault of KUJVLO.


Products may somewhat differ from their images. The product photographs on our website are just meant to serve as examples. While we have done our best to ensure that the colors are displayed appropriately, we cannot guarantee that the colors displayed by a device will precisely represent the colors of the items. These pictures may not exactly match your product.

Due to differences in monitor settings, KUJVLO disclaims any liability for the product's color matching in an order or a repurchase. If you have any questions concerning the precise color or tint, kindly get in touch with us at info@kujvlo.com. Please take note that similar-sounding colors used by different brands (such as Navy, Navy Blue, Dark Navy, etc.) may not exactly match one another's shade or any of the brands Thread Guide selections.

The consistency, color, texture, or look of the real clothing are not guaranteed by KUJVLO because to the nature of clothes manufacture from different brand ends. The colors shown are as similar to the original as possible, however owing to monitor/screen settings, hues and tones may vary somewhat.

Photos of the clothes and other items available on the website were taken during a session using a combination of natural and artificial lighting. After then, these images are edited. Actual items could look different from those in these photographs, which are mainly for advertisement and reference reasons.

Please be aware that various textiles absorb the same color differently and reflect it in varying tones. We make an effort to display items in images that are as accurate to the real thing as possible, but we disclaim liability for variations in genuine products. Before buying, please read the product description carefully.


In order to maximize the lifespan of the high performance product you have spent your money in as a customer, KUJVLO advises its customers to make sure that the care instructions for the product they have purchased are followed. Each company has its own guidelines for caring for its clothing and products, which are either connected to the item itself, printed on the package, or accessible online. The product's lifespan will be extended by following these straightforward recommendations. Customers will not be given any refunds or exchanges if any of the care instructions have been disregarded because KUJVLO is not the manufacturer of any of the products that are offered on our website, so we hold no responsibility for or cater to any issues of product mishandling or violation of product care instructions.

Following points will be considered as violation of care instructions

If the outfit has been shrunk.
If the outfit has been washed/ dry clean.
If an outfit has been stitched even in cases of missing pieces.
If the outfit has been worn or tried on.
If the item has been subjected to bleach/chemical for stain removing.
A list of care instructions/symbols are provided by the designer and if any of those instructions are also not followed properly.